Play Therapy That Works!

Online Course

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You can avoid personal visibility by turning off your video share, and still participate in the chat section of the call anonymously if you so choose.

The recorded calls may be made available to others wanting to learn and grow as part of shared resources for ongoing learning.

As a therapist, learn to handle it all. Meet your own emotional challenges that lively play therapy work can activate

  • Access to Q and A with Annie Brook


    Help for Sensory Challenges eBook, right into your inbox upon purchase!

  • Testimonials

    "there is not a day that goes by that I am not grateful for Annie and her body of work. The birth patterns that were held in the cells of my body affected all of my relationships ~ I feel blessed to now have a large toolbox of resources and the somatic re-learning of memories my body knew but my mind and heart couldn't remember ~ all of my relationships transformed and I have a language and deep understanding with which to work with them from!" JR